Car News

Bald Eagle Unhurt After Being Stuffed into Saturn Bumper in Hurricane Aftermath

It's a feel-good story, but one that ultimately feels like a sad metaphor for the direction in which the United States appears to be headed as it gears up to elect a new president.

A few days ago, a driver in Jacksonville, Florida noticed a creature, which appeared to be alive, stuffed into the grille opening of a Saturn travelling in the other direction. It turned out to be a male bald eagle -- America's national bird -- whose only injury was to his pride, according to the bird care specialists at Florida's B.E.A.K.S., or Bird Emergency Aid & Kare Sanctuary.

Initial reports suggested the bird became trapped in the bumper during Hurricane Matthew, which has recently passed through Florida, but later indications were that the bird may have been struck by the car while flying.

The eagle's rescuers named it Matthew, a strange nod to the meteorological event that has killed and injured people and levelled buildings and towns in Haiti, the Caribbean and the United States.